Crofton MD Bat Removal Service

Does your house in Crofton MD have bats in the attic?
Call Now: 410-451-2191

Bat Removal from attic in Crofton Maryland

Bat Removal from attic in Crofton Maryland

New Attic Insulation After Bat Exclusion in Crofton MD

New Attic Insulation After Bat Exclusion in Crofton MD

Trappro wildlife service technicians are experts in trapping and removing bats from houses, sheds, barns, churches, apartments, condominiums and attics in residential homes and commercial businesses in Crofton Maryland. Bats can enter homes and buildings through gaps that are 1/4" - 1/2" or larger through many areas of house including chimney, loose siding, openings around pipe or wiring that enters the home, window sills or doorframes that have rotted out, cracks or holes under eaves on roof, cellar hatches that have been left open, unscreened attic vents, and more.

Humane Wildlife Removal Throughout Crofton Maryland

Trappro is ready to assist with trapping and removal
of wild animals from your home

Hole in Roof Caused by Animals Call Today for Inspection

Hole in Roof Caused by Animals
Call Today for Inspection

Homeowners in Crofton Maryland will hear noises in the attic or shed and weirds sounds in the house at night when bats are active. We professionally trap and remove bats from attics or whereever they have invaded. Expert cleanup of damage done to attic from colonies of bats roosting and cleanup of bat droppings in or around the house is also taken care of including new insulation if needed. Additionally home repairs are also available to keep bats from returning once they have been trapped and removed. Female bats can return and reuse the same roost year after year so it is very important to properly seal all entry points that bats could be using to enter attic of home. If you need professional solutions to your wildlife problems call or email Trappro today.

Call or email today for an estimate

Professional bat trapping, exclusion and removal from houses in Crofton MD by expert trappers at Trappro.
Exclusion repairs prevent bat reentry.

Specializing in the Humane Removal of All Nuisance Urban Wildlife in Maryland, DC, & Northern Virginia